What is the strangest thing your chickens ate? Mine just ate crawfish Monica and aligator tail

One of my hens caught a toad and the entire flock fought over it all day. One of them suddenly picked it up and ate it almost whole! I'm not even sure it was dead!
I had golden comets once, a sexlink hybrid, supposed to be super layers. I was not impresed. Beautiful birds but they didn't lay anywere near as well as e RIReds I had before them. Then they started eating eggs. Tried golf balls and fake eggs in the nests, but they wouldn't stop.
OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! (Whats that saying from anyway, I can't remember?)
Mine eat frogs. Buttercup found one and all the others chased her around the yard with frog legs hanging out her beak.
We live by an open river basin filled with Coyotes. Every once and awhile I have to shoot one that tries to get in the chicken yard. I butcher it and cook it tender and chop it into chicken size bites and the girls (and roosters) gooble it up! Ironic isn't it, chickens eatin Coyote!
I was working in the garden cutting up expanded polystyrene for packing when I noticed that the chucks were eating the bits which flew off from the table....Ugh.!
It can't be good for them and it certainly doesn't taste nice as I got a mouthful as well....
Other than that I've watched them eat snails, slugs and kill and eat a nest of mice. Oh and they are very partial to the Cool Mix for the horses and even poke their heads into the horses buckets' and try to snatch a mouthful while the horses are feeding.
thorns off thorn bush!!!????
Wow nice pics. I once caught one of my chickens dragging around a lizard. She just kept slapping it on the ground. As if she was trying to tenderize it. I swore I heard the lizard squeaking for dear life.:(
I once found my chickens eating styrofoam they dug up in the yard. I kept trying to get it away from them but they can run faster than me.:rolleyes:

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