What is the strangest thing your chickens ate? Mine just ate crawfish Monica and aligator tail

Better than the muddy, poopy water they seem to prefer over fresh.

LOL, you are right about that
After Thxgiving this year, someone decided turkey meat to a chicken wasn't strictly cannibalism. Our girls picked the bony carcass clean of all little bits of meat and cartilage.

Agreed about Chicken TV! It's the best channel on!

And yes, they go for muddy water - with w/e else in it - whenever they can, don't they? Well, scientists say we humans don't get enough dirt in our diet anymore... ahem.....
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Dirty muddy water out of puddles or plant pot saucers in hidden corners of the garden? Yumm!

Three full containers of fresh, clean, bright, sparkling, sweet water in all the easiest to reach places - why on earth would we stick our beaks into that stuff?
Drywall we have this area by our heater the base board has come loose and Pancake always makes a grab for the exposed unpainted drywall. If we catch her on it thankfully all we have to tell her to stop and she does. She also tries to eat strange things out of the dust pile when I sweep.
Drywall we have this area by our heater the base board has come loose and Pancake always makes a grab for the exposed unpainted drywall. If we catch her on it thankfully all we have to tell her to stop and she does. She also tries to eat strange things out of the dust pile when I sweep.
Our Golden Comet hen ate a 2x2 inch piece of tinfoil this afternoon.
It had a trace of scrambled eggs on it. I accidentally dropped it, she grabbed it, I yelled NO and she flung the tinfoil up in the air, grabbed it, and it disappeared. I have looked everywhere for it. So I'm sure she swallowed it, but how the heck....anyway, so far she seems ok. It was old tinfoil, so my husband said maybe she'll grind it up into little pieces and it won't be a problem....
Our Golden Comet hen ate a 2x2 inch piece of tinfoil this afternoon.
It had a trace of scrambled eggs on it. I accidentally dropped it, she grabbed it, I yelled NO and she flung the tinfoil up in the air, grabbed it, and it disappeared. I have looked everywhere for it. So I'm sure she swallowed it, but how the heck....anyway, so far she seems ok. It was old tinfoil, so my husband said maybe she'll grind it up into little pieces and it won't be a problem....

Look out for sparkly, shiny poop in the next few days - at least it will be suitably festive!
I found the colored new print in my house chickens poo, I was wondering why her poo was green in color. Oh... she is eating the new print I give her to play with because it has been raining so much lately and she enjoys scratching and ripping it up. I'm not shocked she ate some but I hadn't realize how much she'd been eating.
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