What is the strangest thing you've fed your chickens?

This thread is cracking me up!
My chickens will eat just about whatever I give them, which is mostly fruits veg, wheat bread etc. They know when we have pizza, I swear they smell it cooking and start pecking the hen yard screen door when they see me coming with the crusts. They also like grapes but won't eat strawberries.

They also turn their noses up at those huge zuccinis that are missed in the garden. Go figure

My son had a lobster for dinner for his birthday and I considered throwing the left overs in to them but didn't want to attract the coons or possums, so they missed out on that one.
Shrimp shells

Cheese. OMG they're prehistoric dinosaurs when it comes to cheese. The RIR, Nugget, goes all primordial shark on you: rolls her eyes back and goes for any finger that might have once touched cheese at some point.

Crab apples that had rotted on the trees and become little sacks of fermented goo. They LOVED that.

Wine. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=190305

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