What is the weird snack or meal that you eat?

When I was younger: Sauerkraut and hocks slow cook in a crock pot, bbq (chard) kielbasa and orange juice. Those were the days. Now the best I can do is anchovies and Texas Pete hot sauce on eggs.
I don't know if this is weird or not, but sometimes I like to get a tub of chocolate fudge frosting and put it in the fridge. Once it's really cold and firm, I eat it with a spoon, right out of the tub. (Not all at once, though!)

When I was a kid I liked to eat frozen Cool Whip like that, too.
Fried green tomatoes with BBQ coon is an old favorite of mine. I also like pickled brussel sprouts and those little pickled cocktail onions. A bag of candied ginger doesn't last very long either.
This reminds me of something. My sister used to eat pork rinds by the big bag on a regular basis. Started eating them when she was 3 or 4 years old. Well, you know how there will be the occasional one with the blue USDA stamp on 'em that makes it through and winds up in the bag? One time when I was over at my mother's visiting, my sister was there. Guess she was about 20-21 years old at the time and snacking on her bag of rinds. She pulls out the oddball blue inked rind and wanted to know why her chip was blue. I explained that it was a remnant of the approval stamp. She keeps looking at me like I've lost it or something. I sat there, explained that they have to stamp a pig with an inspected stamp somewhere during the processing and her chip just happened to be from the section of skin that the stamp was on. She literally turned
at this. "YOU MEAN THESE ARE REALLY PIG SKINS?!?!?!" Seems for 20 years she thought they were made from corn. Apparently somewhere down the line the connection between "Pork Rind" and pork = pig never clicked.

BTW, she's a brunette (just had to toss that out there for those that I KNOW are thinking it)

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