What is the YOUNGEST a hen will lay an egg????

well , I really think that depends sometimes on the breed . I have some RIR'S that are 6 months old and NO EGGS YET . BUT heard same breed started laying for others as yound as 22 weeks .
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18-22 weeks is the average, depending on breed but I've heard of some laying at 16 weeks, and others taking 8 months.

Or more.

Patience is the key. Watch for the girls' combs to turn really red, then start to get antsy. lol
Is there really some thing as patient.
The waiting is killing me
Sex-links are generally the youngest to lay and they've supposedly laid at 14 to 15 weeks. I think 15 to 17 weeks is more normal for them. Mine laid at 16 weeks.

Most other breeds start laying around 20 to 22 weeks with some breeds not starting to lay until closer to 30 weeks!
My Red Sex Links and Golden Comets started laying at 15 weeks. Good luck on the waiting. It is worth it when you finally get that first egg. Hope it is real soon for you.
If the breeder was accurate with the age of my little Serama pullet, she was 12 weeks old when I got her September 15th (a little over 3 weeks ago). She started laying yesterday, and laid again today! Goood girl

ETA: She may have been a bit older than 12 weeks when I got her ... I didn't get a hatch date, so the age may have been more estimate on his part.
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My babies are 20 weeks day after tomorrow. I am waiting with baited breath. I feel your pain!

I am feeding layer feed and oyster shell. C'mon babies, lay those eggers!

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