What is the youngest your hens have started laying? What breed?


11 Years
Jun 19, 2008
St. Isidore
Our pullets are 16 weeks old and I am wondering when to start looking for eggs. I know 20 - 25 weeks is the standard, right? We have buff orpingtons, australorps, dark brahmas and easter eggers. 2 of the buff orpington hens have small combs that are starting to get red. So is one easter egger. Thanks in advance.
Golden Comets (RIR white x RIR red) started at 16 weeks 3 days.
At 19 weeks I average 10 eggs a day, often with double yolks.
My first RIR to lay was 20 weeks they will be 23 weeks on Sunday. I have 8 RIR and 6 BR and only get 3 to 4 eggs a day. What are you feeding yours? Or are golden comets just early layers? NOt sure why unless it is the time of the year that they are taking so long to lay.
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A Cochin/Silkie x Barred Rock cross hen started at 18 weeks. The next ones were hatchery RIRs, at 19 weeks. My latest was a Buff Brahma at 30 weeks, but currently I have a 28 week old Easter Egger who still hasn't laid an egg.
I had a BR lay at 19wks, an RIR at 23wks, and a BR mix at 25wks. Still waiting on a 25wk old EE and two 18wk old australorps (who haven't even started to grow their combs so it will be a while).
I marked "20 weeks" on the calendar & the girls have hit the mark! Week Twenty was this week and we got eggs from two barred rocks and one Turken. The rest of the girls forgot to check the calendar...

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