What is this? And is it dangerous?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 20, 2013
Baby chicks arrived in the mail today. All seemed fine; eating and drinking normally. I was examining for pasty butt and cleaning them up a little when I came across what I thought was a bit of dried poop one one of them. I wetted it gently and soaked her belly in the water, but it would not come off. I was gently touching it when I realized it was skin .. sort of a raw looking bump.

Now .. don't laugh at me .. but this may be a rooster. There is one in the 5 I ordered, but they all look the same and I can't tell the difference.

I've attached a pic but it's hard to really get a clear shot that close up with my camera.

Any ideas on what this is? Is it dangerous? Any ideas on what to do about it? For now I'm just letting them rest, eat, and drink .. observing for any unusual behavior.

Umm, roosters do not have penises - it looks like a partially unabsorbed umbilicus. You may want to put a dab of Iodine on it.
Umm, roosters do not have penises - it looks like a partially unabsorbed umbilicus. You may want to put a dab of Iodine on it.
Agreed. It will probably dry up on its own in a little while; I would just watch the chick and make sure no other chicks start pecking at the protrusion.
Agreed. It will probably dry up on its own in a little while; I would just watch the chick and make sure no other chicks start pecking at the protrusion.

You may want to keep it isolated from other chicks. They love to peck at anything unusual or flesh-colored.
It could be an umbilicus that hasn't dried up yet as Sourland posted, but sometimes there can be a vent prolapse. Just make sure that you can find the vent opening just under the tail. The umbilicus or navel will be under the vent. Here is a thread with pictures of a prolapsed vent--just click on picture to enlarge it: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/806821/3wk-old-chick-is-this-prolapse
Yes, it's definitely NOT the vent. I've been checking the vent regularly to make sure there is no blockage or problems. She really seems to be fine otherwise; eating, drinking, and pooping regularly.

I will keep an eye on it. It's on the underside of her belly, just south of her vent, so the other chicks don't seem to bother it. Continuing to keep a close on her though.

Thanks everyone!

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