What is this chick? There are options


Jun 1, 2009
My aunt gave me eggs from her chickens. She ordered them all from a hatchery here in Canada last year and gave me 15 eggs to hatch. She keeps Buff Orps, Barred Rocks, and "ameraucanas" all with a buff orp rooster. Apparently the amaraucanas aren't good layers, so she only gave me brown eggs to hatch. This gives 3 colour options for hatchlings: buff orps, female BO/BR (black w/brown face) and male BO/BR (gray w/ white spots on back/head).

This one hatched though. I'm thinking that her "ameraucanas" are laying brown eggs. It doesn't have slate legs either (I don't know if her "ameraucanas" have slate legs). What characteristics would this chick have if it's dad was a buff orp and mom an easter egger? I'm thinking the most likely explaination is that the ameraucanas aren't "real", would that be right?

By the sounds of it she got them from Rochester, and no, their ameraucanas are easter eggers just like what the US hatcheries sell.

Could very well be that it is out of one of the EEs that lays a brown egg. Depending on the heritage of the EE the chicks can be bearded/beardless, have pea or single combs(any colour legs too and with some leg colour changes as they mature). But since your only other options out of the flock are pure buff orps and black sexlinks I would think its safe to say that little cutie is buff orpXee. What kind of comb does it have?

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