What is this chicken thinking?

she is a partridge cochin bantam I believe! very gorgeous... layed about 3 eggs then went broody!...lol...very young hen to go broody but I guess I'm not suprised :)

Oh my, sounds like you have quite the broody on your hands! Ah well, nature can't be helped. And what better excuse to add chickens to your flock? "Well, dear, she simply refuses to be broken...I must give her an egg to hatch...but what if one doesn't hatch, or it turns out to be a rooster? We need to start with at least three hatching eggs..." You get the picture.

Good luck with your new chickies! And to the proud mama!
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Those cochins... I have 2... and the broodiest broads ever.
The first Cochins I ever had, one of them as a pullet that had only started laying secretly filled a nest under a very large and dense quince bush in my front yard. To me, she's just disappeared and I thought she was eaten. I was SHOCKED when out she came from under the nest with all of 15 youngsteres! (She was a full size Partridge Cochin, I had a trio). They were so beautiful growing up, but they hatched in mid November, so they spent about a month in a room in my garage growing up.
I'm a lumberjack and that's ok!
I sleep all night and I work all day! ♪♫

Are we old?

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