What is this chicken thinking?

"With a rebel yell, she cried. more more more!"

For you young ones, Billy Idol.

I love that song!:D
(Not a caption) !!!!!! Is he an Australorp/Silver spangled Hamburg cross? I had one!
No, he's a pure Silver Spangled Hamburg. I had a closed flock, so I know he's not mixed. But, the advice given to me is that since his parents were hatchery stock, it's possible for this kind of thing to happen. I was a bit shocked to see it. But I think he's gorgeous! I won't be using him to breed more SSH's, but I love him. :)
No, he's a pure Silver Spangled Hamburg. I had a closed flock, so I know he's not mixed. But, the advice given to me is that since his parents were hatchery stock, it's possible for this kind of thing to happen. I was a bit shocked to see it. But I think he's gorgeous! I won't be using him to breed more SSH's, but I love him. :)

He looks like it because he has a single comb and the dark eyes of an australorp, it looks like he could have a little less black spots too, for a Hamburg. I would send you a picture of my cross roo but I can't find it.
He looks like it because he has a single comb and the dark eyes of an australorp, it looks like he could have a little less black spots too, for a Hamburg. I would send you a picture of my cross roo but I can't find it.
Yeah, he's only 15 weeks right now but he has a lot of white and the SSH feathering, I'll get a full body shot to show you what he looks like. I'd love to see your roo if you find a picture

All of my Hamburgs have dark brown eyes too, but I love the Australorp eyes, so pretty.

I was shocked when I realized he was growing a single comb because all of my Hamburgs have the rose comb, but I guess with hatchery stock it can happen, at least that's what I was told.

I do have some Australorp hens, but they never were exposed to my Hamburg roo, I keep the two flocks totally separate.
What are they thinking?
Blue one : "Hey red heads, look at me. I'm the best rooster ever, just look at my feather coloring!"
One of the red roosters: "Nice feather dye, Curt, but you ain't fooling nobody."
Blue one: "So...I'm fooling somebody? Because you basically said I'm NOT fooling no one, so obviously I'm fooling someone. IN YOUR FACE!"

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