What is this chicken thinking?

What are (from left to right) Lilly, Daffodil, Sunni, and Amber thinking?

Lilly: Everyone look at the camera! Hold Steady now. Wait for it....

Daffodil: Why are we up here? I don't know where I'm at! Who is that over there?

Sunni: Is this my best side? I can't tell. Don't take the picture yet! Wait! Stop! Which is my best side?

Amber: Dang it! I gotta itch! Every time I'm in front of the camera I've got an itch.
Left to right: Goldie, Tessa, Terooha

Goldie: *grumble, mutter, growl* I HATE camping! Gotta find my own food. Mosquitoes big enough to carry me away. Dang it! I got dirt in my bustle! I'm so gonna poop on my egg..

Tessa: Chomp, munch, rip, tear. Urp! Fresh greens! Chomp, chomp, Oh! A bug! I got it! Mine! Mine!

Terooha: Just a little closer, Goldie. I'll show you what nature is all about.

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