What is this chicken thinking?

Splash is my favorite color. He is super nice, never attacked a person(would end up in the freezer). But is cautious around us. He can be handled but prefers to be left alone. He does eat out of my hand. He is twice the size of my largest hen. He was gonna be a cull because the breeder doesn't like the Splash, but they pop out with Blue/Blue breeding. I had choice of 5 and liked his patterning the best. He is almost a year old(April 2). I was going to give him away, but he is earning his keep at keeping my new puppy from chasing the chickens(playing, not attacking).
Splash is my favorite color. He is super nice, never attacked a person(would end up in the freezer). But is cautious around us. He can be handled but prefers to be left alone. He does eat out of my hand. He is twice the size of my largest hen. He was gonna be a cull because the breeder doesn't like the Splash, but they pop out with Blue/Blue breeding. I had choice of 5 and liked his patterning the best. He is almost a year old(April 2). I was going to give him away, but he is earning his keep at keeping my new puppy from chasing the chickens(playing, not attacking).


Mr roo, comfrotable in his manhood, sports the new over the shoulder boulder holder made just for big breasted men...


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