What is this chicken thinking?

What is this hen thinking?

Hummmm...this ain't half bad.Wonder if they'd find my egg if I lay it in here??
Can't get my camera cable to work... sooo..... caption what the facts make you think:::::

IMAGINE IT THEN CAPTION IT: One hen got to the culled hens heart first when I threw it out with the liver for them. The adult hens chase unsuccessfully trying to snatch it while she runs and turns to duck like between legs to change directions and then flies over their backs once the "mob" reverses directions and she is off again in the original direction until they figure out what happened and put on chase again. Meanwhile the juveniles are enjoying the liver still available and watching the adults run after the lucky one. So what might the juveniles be thinking watching the adults all attempting a steal.. and what about the one hen 'with the heart' and the others wanting it when they could easily have usurped the liver pile from the juvies????? :lol:.

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