What is this Duck thinking


She's got the camera out again. Everybody group hug!!!!!!
20 degrees F! That would be great! It was -24 here the other day!
That was great! After a couple weeks of single digits and negatives, they were getting grumpy. Today it swung up to 29F and they got a pool AGAIN!!!! It has been -8F low and 12F high plus or minus (relatively mild for here), but it looks like high 20s low 30s for the high for most of the rest of this month!!! (Happy Duckies)
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That was great! After a couple weeks of single digits and negatives, they were getting grumpy. Today it swung up to 29F and they got a pool AGAIN!!!! It has been -8F low and 12F high plus or minus (relatively mild for here), but it looks like high 20s low 30s for the high for most of the rest of this month!!! (Happy Duckies)
TONY-----do you have any idea how cute your ducks are? Do you get it? WEBS on snow. OOOSE!!
He's a "wild" mallard, so he doesn't do cuddles
He's been mean to the other ducks too. Even to the ladies!

My ducks don't want cuddles anymore. I can only trick Kroelie into a cuddle (for food) and she doesn't enjoy it
Aww, I wish he wasn't mean to the other ducks. I wonder if it's just his personality?

Is it hard not being able to cuddle Kroelie? Or any of your birds? I would have a difficult time because for me seeing how horridly cute they are and not being able to squeeze and kiss. On the other hand I would not force it cuz I wouldn't want to stress them out.
Aww, I wish he wasn't mean to the other ducks.  I wonder if it's just his personality?  

Is it hard not being able to cuddle Kroelie?  Or any of your birds?  I would have a difficult time because for me seeing how horridly cute they are and not being able to squeeze and kiss.  On the other hand I would not force it cuz I wouldn't want to stress them out.

Maybe he is frustrated he can't protect Julie. Vleugel was with Kaatje last year. As many as 3 drakes would chase her and he couldn't help, it was really sad. She died later when she was brooding and he already left her.
Yesterday little Lilian showed up and he just bit her in her butt! She gave a loud quack and they all got startled and flew off. Except for Vleugel, he was flapping his wings and running as fast as he could LOL

It makes me sad they don't want to be cuddled. But it would break my heart if they didn't show up anymore because they got scared. When the girls were still together I could pet their backs when they were eating but now with all the drakes things got complicated. It seems like yesterday when they were running like dinosaurs and a friend and I put ant nests and dirt in their swimming pool. That was on a camping, the babies were just 10 days old (and Junior only 1 day) and they went on vacation. At night they slept in a cage in the caravan with my parents :lol:

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