What is This? Help!

Really, your not dumb. Shouldnt say that. If you think like you had a boil, how would you treat it ? soaks and bust or vet ? Vets are so expensive and for small stuff you can treat at home I would. I would also wear gloves cause sometimes that a staph infection and contagious.
Thank you. And, ummm.. ewww. Good point. I tend to wear gloves a lot while doing “chicken chores” because I have a compromised immune system. This is my first year with chickens and I haven’t developed an instinct yet for what is a simple “ I can do that” and what is more serious
Your doing great job there for your hen, some stuff can be pretty gross, but we kinda over come ore aversions to save our feathered friends, and I see a lot that have been here a bit and do a pretty good for triage until one of the eggsperts gets here to assist. That's what this amazing community is about, no matter how much we think we know theres always something new that pops up when your dealing with chickens or water fowl for that fact.

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