What is This? Help!

Good to hear she's on the mend - was about to suggest cutting away infected tissue with a scalpel or box cutter - like a bumblefoot treatment, but glad to hear things have taken a turn for the better. Just keep up with the soak, flush, medicate route. You may want to keep the wound open till all the puss has cleared so it doesn't get the chance to build up again and have another flare up.
I dont know what it is but there is pain meds for chickens. Im glad she is better. If you havent gotten it all yet try squirting some betidine with a syringe and maybe it will flush or at least help kill some of the bacteria then when she isnt as sore you can go round 2 w/ her. After all that pack the hole w/ antibiotic ointment.
Do you mean meloxicam (medicam?) A vet can prescribe that for pain and inflammation, and some use aspirin 81 mg given orally twice a day to an adult chicken, or in the water 325mg in 8 ounces or 240 ml of water.

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