What is this on the feet? (PICs)


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 11, 2012
Southcentral Alaska
Wow, brought home 7 rescue chickens. 1 hen died 10 min after getting home. Look at the pics, tell me what you think this looks like...

Could this be from dogs or is this frostbite? Toes are swollen.

All hens are light and skinny. Crops and waddles are pale and off white color. Looks like dry skin. All hens have either swollen feet. Or black toes. Missing toe nails. Or cracked bleeding feet.

The white hen was so frostbitten, it could not walk. So dehydrated It could not hold up its head. Died right after I brought her home. I just started to try water her with a syringe. She was so light, I carried it out with two fingers. What an a bunch of a**holes. The lady said she gave them water "sometimes" she though they ate snow...idiot. They coop was gross. With out any light. The lady that had these chickens didnt even see this hen. I just saw an odd clump under a nesting box as I was about to leave. I reached under and pulled her out. She didnt open her eyes. All the other chickens were already caught and caged. Poor animal. IDIOT lady.

Rest of flock:

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I would clean that immediately. Do you know any nurses or doctors that work at a local hospital? There is a cream they can get at work called bactraban and it is amazing what that ointment can do over night. I would also take them off the wire floor and straw. Try another bedding. And let the hens stand in a salt water solution for as long as they can stand it
For they record, I would like to lock that lady in a cold dark coop with no light and give her nothing buy snow to eat!
who on the world thinks chickens eat only snow! I'm sorry but that's animal cruelty at its worse! Its hard to believe that for one second she really thought an animal could survive on snow! you should turn her in! that's so horrific. thank God for you to come along to save these poor creatures! your there Angel! I bet you just fell over when she said they ate only snow. well now they are safe and happy thanks to you! you did a wonderful thing by helping these poor birds! God bless you! that lady makes me soo angry! I'm so glad you came along to save them!
Nope, I hate this so much.

I'm sorry I can't help you. But you may have to put these girls down, if things don't improve it will be better to not let them suffer.
I..ahh! This is s bad!! Why are there these kinds of people!
There's no telling what happened to the hen in the first three pics...time to move on and get the rest of them healthy.
I recommend feeding them scrambled eggs mixed with buttermilk in their feed to make a mash for them to eat, do this for about a week, then provide them regular layer feed only. The scrambled eggs provide extra protein to rebuild their strength, the buttermilk is a probiotic that will rebuild their immune systems and is more easily absorbed than yogurt. Purchase poultry nutri drench and add it to their water for about a week, no longer than a week because it can cause diarrhea. Since they rarely had water to drink, you might have to teach them to drink, like a baby chick. Other than what I recommended, dont provide them any greens or other human foods at this time...perhaps later in the future after they have fully recovered from their ordeal. You have a tough task ahead of you. I commend you for your efforts and wish you the best.

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