What is this pretty bird?


11 Years
Oct 26, 2008
Lake Como, Fl. 32157
Does anyone know what she is? She has sporadic feather covering on her feet.

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Does she have a pea comb? Looks like she has a beard. Before I saw that, I was going to say Buff Brahma, but the body size/shape is all wrong. I think she's an Easter Egger with feather stubs on her legs or just a cross. The white legs are wrong for a Brahma, certainly.
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Golden Lakenvelder.....100% postive
AND a hen...I've got a few myself! Love them....not any golden lakenvelder is show quality though.....lay white eggs.
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Spurs dont grow on roos for months and months. All chickens have the little bumps there. And the hackles appear pointy more due to the coloration of them. My Buff Brahma and Lt. Brahma girls have the hackles like that, but they're 2 yr old ladies.
If this is a pea comb, it's not a Lakenvelder.

From the last pic, I'd say an Easter Egger type.
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