what is this variety of ameracauna called?


11 Years
Jul 19, 2008
Brea, California
l saw another chicken that looked exactly like mine this weekend -- I know she's an ameracauna but not sure what you call this color/variety. Thanks!



While I'm at it -- what variety is this young male ameracuana?


The pullet is an easter egger. The cockerel looks similar to a wheaten, but I believe it is probably an easter egger also as he is just not quite right.
I had an ameraucana of the same variety as the first one, but I didn't know the variety. Here she is:


Also, not to stray from the topic, or anything, but in case some ameraucana expert comes along, I want them to also take a whack at the variety of mine, too:


pips&peeps :

The pullet is an easter egger. The cockerel looks similar to a wheaten, but I believe it is probably an easter egger also as he is just not quite right.

You've taught me well Jean!​
THanks everyone!

Actually the eggs were sold to me as EE's -- I was just confused & thinking EE's were the same as Ameracaunas.

Can anyone enlighten me on the distinction? Are there different color patterns of EE's, & do they have names?
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pips&peeps :

Your bird is an easter egger also. This color is a prominant one that I have seen, but to my knowledge there is no name for it.

I ordered them from Ideal as "Ameraucana" and I don't think Ideal even sells EEs. And yeah, as OCchickens asked, what the heck is the difference between ameraucanas and EE's? They both have beards and muffs and lay colored eggs, so, how on earth can you tell the difference? I used to (and I'm sure many other people also) believe that EE is just another name for Ameraucana. That's what it says on Ideal Poultry, but I've learned otherwise from BYC.

And I've got more questions for pips&peeps:
I've seen some non-bearded EE's, and other strangely colored ones...are EE's just mutts that lay colored eggs?

How many varieties do Ameraucanas and EE's come in?
Please tell me all about EE's!

And about ameraucanas-

I know they are in the "micellaneous" class, but where did they originate?​

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