What is this


Feb 8, 2017
IMG_0917.JPG IMG_0918.JPG
IMG_0919.JPG IMG_0920.JPG Ok thought this was a chicken but hubby says it's a guinea, can someone help me out here? No tail feathers but gray and black bird about two months old. Thanks
Well I got 40 eggs from a farmer who has turkey ducks and guineas. He picked out guinea eggs telling they weren't fertile well I have four chickens (maybe) that don't look like chickens no tail feathers at almost three months old. Then someone said they look like guineas, so I thought well did he not take all and was wrong he does have a male. They look like chickens but not like any others I have hatched.
Ye that's what I thought bad photos. I did have Americana eggs in the mess. Would they not have tail feathers till they get older? That's what has me thrown off chickens have tail feathers to maybe tell see but I have five total this one being the oldest, that do not thank you.
Hard to tell about the tail feathers. It could be bad genetics or they may come in later. I hatched out a few from a hatchery line that look that way and am currently growing them out. I'm not planning on using them for future breeding.
I just got the smaller photos to enlarge. (My work computer stinks at loading things!) I think it is blue ameraucana and likely a cockerel. Does it have fuzzy cheeks and chin? Looks alot like some I hatched out of a certain hen.
Great thank you won't worry now. I just had a mixture of eggs and they are all different and so adorable. Appreciate your time

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