What is this?

I think the scabbing may be from yesterday, but some of those tail feathers are just sheared off and still have the pins, I think is why it looks like they are growing back. She didn't have this issue two days ago, so I'm thinking it was the roost hockey at bedtime that's been the culrpit. Why they all want the same little corner when they have tons of other space is well, what makes them chickens, lol.
I don't have a crowing roo, but you'd better believe my eye is on the one!
She's definitely inside at night in the big brooder for a while for sure. I'm not too concerned with daytime since we are here and can watch what's going on, but she gets at least a few days inside during the day and out in the pm when they are "wild."
I won't send her out raw, and will try some blu kote once we've got a few days under our belts or if we put her outside in the morning. Really, will do a whole lot (more) watching, lol. Nothing better than chick tv!

I have a few hens that look like that. They heal up just fine after I seperate the hens from the Rooster. I try to keep saddles on the hens that are his favorites. This helps with the feather lose. They do look rather funny with their little clothes on but better then having all that feather lose.

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