What is THIS!!!


7 Years
Feb 28, 2012
New Jersey
I had 4 chicks hatch yesterday and thought originally 2 of my chicks had pasty butt but when i went to clean it off with water, i don't think it's pasty butt. It's in the bottom vent near the legs... I was going to say back legs but they don't have front legs. lol.

They are both doing well despite whatever this is..
Looks like an umbilical abscess. Can you put some betadine or antibiotic ointment on it? You may need to separate this chick until it heals. If the others find it, they'll attack that spot.
they haven't found the spot... does anyone else have this issue?
what kind of ointment? i have two chicks with this. one not as big and the other one is a small one.
it doesn't seem to bother them..
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