What is wrong with Fluffy?


Aug 7, 2022
Eastern TN
I’ve tried looking for answers before posting but as I don’t even have a clue what’s wrong with Fluffy- it’s hard to search. I was outside in the runs at the coop doing weekly big clean out(removing feathers, changing bedding, refreshing sweetpdz, cleaning and filling waters and feeders) and I noticed my white austra, Fluffy, do an ODD “dance”. At first I thought maybe she was scared of the rake and scooting back away but she soon did it again when no tools were near. The “dance” is best described as a downward head geese like moonwalk? She stretched her neck out long as possible while bringing her beak to ground level whilst scootching her body backwards. No head shaking, no looking up as if clearing her crop, no stuck motion. One smooth move but clearly involuntary. She is currently molting and is my often broody hen so hasn’t laid in months as her last 8w broody session (we didn’t leave eggs under her) then rolled right into seasonal molt.

Any ideas????

I offer grit and baked crushed shells. They free range often and have plenty of sleeping space between 2 coops, the flock has experienced worms and we treated the entire flock with permetizine (?) twice. We found a chicken dead in the front yard last week but assume it was from a failed hawk capture as she was wayyyyy out in the front yard separated from the flock without any signs of injury of than slight bleeding on the waddle (could have been from fellow flock mates?). Were thinking a hawk swooped her up and dropped her and it snapped her neck or killed her from heart attack.
What is their diet? She may be vitamin/nutrition deficient after a much too long broody session.
Thanks for your response!
I feed them dumor organic crumbles. It totals out to 40 lbs per week for 32 birds. I also have been supplementing with black sunflower seeds and worms totaling 1-2 cups per day. They get an handful of raw oats when we want them put up before we leave the house.
Thanks for your response!
I feed them dumor organic crumbles. It totals out to 40 lbs per week for 32 birds. I also have been supplementing with black sunflower seeds and worms totaling 1-2 cups per day. They get an handful of raw oats when we want them put up before we leave the house.
I'd cut back on the boss and oats, but it could just be from being broody.
Fluffy, do an ODD “dance”. At first I thought maybe she was scared of the rake and scooting back away but she soon did it again when no tools were near. The “dance” is best described as a downward head geese like moonwalk? She stretched her neck out long as possible while bringing her beak to ground level whilst scootching her body backwards. No head shaking, no looking up as if clearing her crop, no stuck motion. One smooth move but clearly involuntary. She is currently molting and is my often broody hen
If you can capture the action on video, that may be helpful. Upload video to Youtube and provide a link.

The "dance" to me sounds like a molting bird that is backing up when a pin feather is sticking them or they feel "prickly". I've seen a few odd movements in molting birds from doing a low crouching walk like they are doing the limbo, to backing around like they have a spider web on their face - all these odd type of movements seemed to resolve once pin feathers came in just a bit more.

It won't hurt to give her extra protein a few times a week (fish, meat, eggs) and give her a direct dose of poultry vitamins 2-3 days as well.

Gapeworm symptoms are gaping, gasping, throwing the head up to reach for air, respiratory distress, not eating/drinking.

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