What is wrong with my chicks??? PLEASE HELP!!!

Dusti Tice

Sep 20, 2019
Booneville Ms
Hello, I am new to this website and was wondering what is wrong with my chicks. Some symptoms are they don’t run around like the others, they sort of like tuck their head in and their wings out. They are in a 16 by 8 pen and there’s only 13 of them.I have already had 6 pass away sadly. PLEASE HELP ME!!
Go to the Emergencies section, and read the first post "READ THIS FIRST" that lays out all the info you'll want to provide so that people have enough info to understand how to help you.

Post there where people check often to help with emergencies.

Plus if you can post a picture - it would be VERY helpful.

Be more specific: how many are doing this out of 13?

Are you saying they aren't moving AT ALL, they are sitting with their heads tucked in and wings out?

How old are they?
Are they getting enough water and food access, and do they have the ability to get close to/get away from the heat source?
How old are the chicks? Did you get them shipped from a hatchery, feed store, or hatch them yourself? Are you using a heat lamp, and if so, what is the temperature on the floor under it? Do they have a cool spot to get away from the heat? Do you have any Poultry NutriDrench or electrolytes that you can give to each chick? Are they drinking and eating? Any pictures? Sorry that you have lost some, but the more details that you can share the more help we can give.
They are about 2-3 weeks old, I bought them at tractor supply, there is a heat lamp, and they aren’t moving at ALL there just sitting there with their heads tucked and their wings out.. there is also this thing where if there is a lot of fuzz on the back of their heads I know there gonna pass soon
The pictures look like they may have coccidiosis. How hot is the temperature? They normally should have about 80 degrees with a simple thermometer on the floor. If they hold wings out they may be too hot. If wings are drooping, and they are hunched and lethargic, you would want to get some Corid from the feed store, and start treating for possible coccidiosis right away. Dosage is 10 ml or 2 tsp of the Corid liquid per gallon of water for 5-7 days. What do their poops look like? Can you get them drinking? Can you post a picture of their brooder? What are you feeding them?
The pictures look like they may have coccidiosis. How hot is the temperature? They normally should have about 80 degrees with a simple thermometer on the floor. If they hold wings out they may be too hot. If wings are drooping, and they are hunched and lethargic, you would want to get some Corid from the feed store, and start treating for possible coccidiosis right away. Dosage is 10 ml or 2 tsp of the Corid liquid per gallon of water for 5-7 days. What do their poops look like? Can you get them drinking? Can you post a picture of their brooder? What are you feeding them?
The temperature here is about 74-85 degrees, there poops look normal, they do drink but when they do they put no effort into holding themselves up the jump in the water then drink,they get fed a regular medicated chick feed 24%

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