What is wrong with my hen?! Help


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 17, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Hi everyone my hen is an australorp and she has one month old chick and her comb looks like this
It's a little hard to see in the pic. Can you describe what your concern is ?
It almost looks as though she has had it ripped by another chicken , but when I zoom in it becomes too blurry.
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Sorry bad pic... you could be right there! It does look like she has been in a fight her comb is pretty rough looking it only has two "spiky" parts to her comb..compared to my other hens' combs it just looks unhealthy
She's not a Australorp and she has a "modified" pea comb...
this is what I'm seeing, too. looks similar to what I've gotten when I crossed Leghorns and Easter eggers years ago

Not the best pics, but you get the idea. Your hen is a mixed breed bird who may have a chance of laying a green egg.
Like to see a full body pic of her but looking at her comb, coloring, head and eye I would say she is some type of game or game cross.

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