What is wrong with my Muscovy's wings!

I wish I could have given her instructions on how to fix it. It is so simply, but it needs to be done while the bones are still soft and the joints are not completely hardened. That means the absolute latest time is 12 weeks.
Yes you can cut the feathers. My muscovy drake has angel wing on one side, he would walk in circles trying to bite the feathers that were sticking out so I have to cut them every time he molts.
My Ronery looks just like that.
His angel wing was caused because instead of free ranging like the rest of my muscovies, I raised him in a brooder where he exclusively got the high protein diet. I've heard muscovies require a rather low protein diet, but I'm not completely sure if that's the case. Mine is an 18% minimum, and his is the first case - he's also the first that I've raised in a brooder and not naturally with their mom...

Ronery's post from yesterday: img/smilies/smile.png" alt="smile" />">https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=422610

I would say leave it alone, if the duck is happy. It's more of a cosmetic thing, ok the duck can probably not fly either. I bet she does not care and is just happy as a duck can be. I would keep it down to 17% of protein. Some people actually give higher protein rations while they are still duckling. I don't, because it is better when they grow slowly. I focus more on vitamins and minerals while they are ducklings.
you cant really fix it now. you have to catch it before the ducks wings even start to get feathers. i take athletic tape and tape them how they should be. look on google to find a video of how to tape the wings. they might get a little better as she molts, but for the most part they will still be stuck out like that. it is a protien thing. too much protien and that happens, too little protien and it still happens. its a no win situation, you have to get it perfect. its a lot easier if the ducks free range also.

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