What is wrong with this chick?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 28, 2013
We have this barred rock chick. She is six weeks old. All of her friends are outside except her because she has very little feathers. Please see picks below. Any idea what is wrong with her? She eats, peeps and poops. Very active. No mites, etc. Any advice is appreciated.

Wings are scraggly. If you pick them up, thigh area is pretty much naked. Naked butt, naked areas around neck and the feathers she does have stand up all over.

Starting to look like I will need to learn how to knit a chicken sweater.
Yeah it happens my breeder wouldn't sell me his last Jersey Giants because they didn't feather well either. You may just have to make special modifications to the coop just for her, I don't know where you live so I can't say extactly what. She is still a cutie though good luck.
The chicken sweater is a good idea. If you do do that make it out of simple colors. Wacky bright colors can cause picking.

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