What is wrong with this hen?

Ramona-- please make sure you use 'food-grade' DE for your girls, the standard garden grade isn't the same. I also use Ivermectin on my chickens. Three times a year I treat them with a couple drops of Ivermectin POUR ON (right at the base of the neck, but make sure you get skin, not feathers). Ivermectin kills fleas/ mites/ lice and worms them at the same time. I would be cautious using any dust on a hen that bald, I think it would really irritate her. Good luck.
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There was a thread recently about a necropsy on a chicken who died with a load of worms, who had been on DE treatment for worms. It will no doubt help prevent lice/mites but I would not count on it to treat an infestation. Any pyrethrin/permethrin dust/powder poultry dust or spray) is probably a less toxic alternative to Sevin.

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