What is wrong??


11 Years
Mar 26, 2008
San Antonio, TX
This chick is at A Nursing Home down the road from me. I was wondering what could be wrong? Was she/he born this way or was it cause of injury? The poor thing walks on the side of its leg but runs and gets along good and the other chick is very overprotective of him/her as well.




Looks like a birth defect that was never corrected. Often, if a chick is born like that, their foot can be taped flat and leg can be splinted to the other one similar to splayed legs and it can be straightened. The important thing though is that it's getting around and doing just fine. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
most likely genetic or a problem in the egg.

but it wouldn't hurt to give vitamins.

are you able to bend the foot and toes?, or is it too stiff?
The leg and claws are way too stiff to bend, I was thinking EE too on the one but the chick with the messed up claw has to be some kind of mix. Thanks for the info!

one of our chickens had this problem but it occured on both feet. they curled up all funny. we think it might have ate something that caused slight paralyzation. the symptoms dissapeared and she is walking fine now!

this might be something different considering it hasnt gone away. other than this, it is most likely a birth defect.

hope she gets better!!


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