What is your Chicken Turn over time?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 9, 2011
I found out a co-worker buys chicks in winter and they lay during summer and fall, then in end of fall they sell the hens and get new babies. She doesnt like to have during during winter in Mass. We plan to keep the chickens for 2 laying seasons.

So what is everyone else turn over time with your flock? How long do you keep your chickens?
I keep most of mine until they die of old age or get eatten by predators
2 years, not worth feeding them after that. There has been the odd pet over the years, but usually the whole flock goes just after they turn 2 while someone may still want them for egglaying.
x2 sometimes i give them away if anyone wants them but after a couple years its time to replace them.
I keep them till they die or old age or need to be put down. I buy two new girls every two or three years to keep eggs up, but am getting too many at the moment! Mine are more pets than anything but I also think having the older 'more experienced' girls in the flock increases their safety because I free range. More eyes = more chance of seeing a predator and getting to cover in time.
X-3 we give away or eat hens at 2.5 to 3 years or thereabouts as our birds are for production not pets... This question will get a wide variety of answers as farmers and pet keepers are very different in their flock management practices many times....
If I have a good Roo I'll keep him as long as he lives. As for hens, two years with the exception of those that become true pets, in which case they have a forever home here.

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