What is your chickensā€™ favorite scrap treat?

BOSS, pomegranate, apples and berries I freeze in water in the summer in a bowl then plop the ice block out for them to cool off. I'll have to try watermelon. I used to feed my chickens any old scraps but now I'm paranoid they will get crop issues so they mainly get treats as opposed to scraps. They're spoiled but so is my dog who gets a couple egg yolks a week
My dog too.
Mine like lettuce, watermelon, blueberries, cherry tomatoes (cut in half), cauliflower greens (but not cauliflower), pasta, yogurt, cucumber, any sprouts, grapes, corn on the cob, and oatmeal (with cinnamon and vanilla). And meat! They go crazy around the grill, begging like dogs.

They are very fussy. If I don't chop things into bite-sized pieces, or if I prepare it the wrong way, they will not eat it. I have a hanging suet feeder that I put some kinds of treats in, and if they can't take something out with one peck, they leave it. They want things to be easy!
My chooks love silver beet, hanging whole leaves or cut up fine, it's everyone's favourite. Cabbage, especially red always a hit too. Plums go down well, and very entertaining for us. Doesn't matter how many plums there are, they still feel the need to grab it and run! Any kind of cooked pasta, noodles. Watermelon causes a big race to peck all the seeds out, the rest gets eaten eventually later. Eggplant diced raw is another fave. Any meat, especially fish is loved by all, and the bone after we've had a mutton roast gives them all cause to think all their Christmases have come at once! The bone is spotlessly clean when they're finished with it, they do a marvelous job of it!
I have all winter cooked oatmeal and added liver with oregano and garlic salt for their immunity. They love it! I also take the ā€œwasteā€
Of their crumbles and mix in there too! They wait for their warm breakfast on cold mornings!ā€™ Mine love

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