What is your chickens’ favorite scrap treat?

My beloved flock are cannibals :rolleyes: they will happily peck me and each other to death to get to the left over rotisserie chicken or the left overs from my bone and chicken broth mixes.
They also like to fence hop and steal the bones I give my dog!
They're extremely lucky I invested 6 months in transforming my dog from a chicken killer to a chicken protector!🙏🙏🙏
Has anyone tried cutting the top off a sunflower at the end of the season and throwing the whole thing in? I always save one flower head for seeds the next year, but I usually have a whole row of them that I’ll snag before the squirrels get to them if you think it would be ok!
After watching the murderous horror that was my very first flock killing and devouring a mouse, I quickly learned that chickens are not bunnies, they prefer protein and starch to veggies and fruit even though they will eat just about anything. I give small dog high protein puppy and cat food in winter and when they're molting, as well as canned tuna and grains (wild bird seed mix with mostly BOSS.) Leftovers including chicken. That's right, I said it.... :lau they like chicken....

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