What is your chickens' favorite treat?

I would think pears would be fine to give them - haven't seen them on any "no-no list" for chickens. We certainly give ours apples & apple peelings, which isn't quite the same, but close. Yesterday I couldn't figure out why the apple peelings got such a lukewarm reception, 'til I noticed our apple tree had dumped TONS of available apples on the ground........the girls are all appled-out! (Yes, I'm aware of the dangers of apple seeds...we've never had a problem.)
Sure you can feed your chickens pears.
They tend to like most fruits.
You can also refer to the snack list https://www.backyardchickens.com/web/viewblog.php?id=2593-Treats_Chart
Nightcrawlers go over BIG. I have been growing the chicks in a big cow waterer thingy as we are building the actual chicken house (pics coming soon!). In the metal pen I have fifty birds- It's HUGE, takes up most of the 2 stalls in the garage...Anyway, I feed the feathered friends their starter and come back about 30 minutes later, after they're full, and I start tossing worms in the pen. It's so funny because they play keep away with the worms!

I have one big beautiful Buff Cochin Roo (he's free ranging with the other pullets and hens in the old dilapidated coop) and I tossed him a LONG worm and he slurped it up like spaghetti.

Talk about cheap entertainment! Keeps my kids and me occupied for like 1/2 an hour!

PS- I do fruit a couple times a week. They like oranges and melons. I got a deal at the grocery store, Nice Watermelons for $2/piece, and they gave me 4 free (they were bruised) when I said it was for my chickens!
Your worm escapades reminds me of yesterday when I gave a HUGE nightcrawler to our new EE roo, then to our BO, neither ate it...then I offered it to the other gals and a speedy NHR grabbed it and downed the whole thing instantly! I don't know how she did it, but she's always been a big beggar and treat chowhound.
Well I fed them the pears and they loved them! It really does feel good to not only give them something they seem to enjoy but to be able to recycle stuff instead of throwing away.
My chickens like alot of different things, but raisins seem to be the fav.

Here is a video clip, very short and very poor quality from my cell phone, but it shows the girls lining up at the fence for treats.

They love fruits and veggies but they go nuts over crickets and slugs. Sometimes one will find a slup and the rest will chase it all over the yard.

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