What is your chickens' favorite treat?

One of our hens found a lizard today; it was hilarious she grabbed it up and took off as the other 13 chased after her. She finally found a safe place to enjoy her meal.

- -Susan
Mine love tomatoes and yogurt, but for them, nothing beats a good ol' earthworm!
OMG after reading half of this thread i decided to try peas. big hit. then corn (off the cob) another big hit. but holy cow, other than bread they LOVE PASTA! they loose their little chicken minds when i drop in pasta of any kind. they dont go for the grapes right away but they are gone when i come back. i will but corn on the cob as soon as i can find it, dont know if i can still get in fresh here in PA.
I feed mine chick starter until they are 10 weeks then i put them on flock raiser until they are about 20 weeks or switch them to layer crumble as soon as they lay their first egg
Ok, this should be fun...

Our local feed store recomends chick starter from 0 to 6 weeks,
then Grow Mash from 6wks to 6 months (24 weeks)

Lets see, I started giving them Julie food as a treat when I first started with chickens over two years ago. Julie made this dish for her chickens:
Rice (bulk is fine) with Oatmeal, cook it till it appears done, in a large pot....cut up apples, we used the ones that fell off the tree. and mix into the cooked Oatmeal and Rice mixture. Scoop it out into container or containers and let it cool, then feed. Oh, they love it.

And of course crickets. You should see my son feed her chickens crickets. they know what they are, and they want them now, in the bag. My son is older, but he is ADHD and Bi-Polar, so he is really just a big kid. They sneak up behind him, etc. Too funny.

Mine love Pomagrante Seeds...corn on the cob...and grapes. My son loves to share his hotdogs with them. The strangest thing....I picked up a laying box one day and under it was a scorpion. I went to get a jar and tongs, I was gona catch the thing. nope...chickens pulled it apart and gulped it down like a snack.

I need to try night crawlers and meal worms. Still have not tried that on them yet.

They love grass and anything from the garden. When a plant dies, I toss it in the cage for them to scratch on it and tear it all up. Gives them something to do.

The only negative I have heard about feeding is that the eyes on a potato can be poisioness to them, so I don't bother with potatos.
I had my girls on the medicated starter until they were 10 weeks old.
From there I went to the Grower Mash. I first tried the pellets but they hated it and wouldn't touch it. They started laying their eggs at 15 weeks old and I switched over to Laying Mash.

They are now 19 weeks old. I am getting 6 eggs a day(I have 6 NHR's) and they love the Mash.
For treats they love dandelion greens. Our local store actually sells huge bundles of them and I give those to them about twice a week. It is by far their favorite. They love fresh peaches and tomatoes as well as corn on the cob. Looks like a soccer match out there!

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