What is your chicks' favorite treat?


Free Ranging
13 Years
Jan 20, 2011
middle TN
I was starting to think they're picky little foodie snobs turning up their beaks at anything but insects but I finally found something without wings that got them excited -- rolled oats. I thought I was going to lose a hand!

What do your babies go crazy for?
Most of the chicks I have raised tend to start loving green (grass, lettuce, cabbage) treats at around 2-3 weeks of age. Anything that jumps or moves (such as bugs and crickets) tend to freak them out.
Red grapes! They go crazy for them, they're bribery treats
So maybe we're just going in reverse order and they'll start liking the green stuff soon? I took one of the Wellies out for a fieldtrip today and she pecked at the clover and dandelions but didn't actually eat any. Then she saw a spider and ate that right away. Some other little bug jumped and she chased but couldn't find it so she started scratching like a big girl.
I found mine love apples today. I did take out the seeds though. You would think they were starving, even though they have starter feed available 24/7.
STINKBUGS!!! YUMMY! Our chickens are crazy for them. Last fall they were jumping as high as they could to pick them off the side of house. YIPPIE! If we get any stinkbugs that make it into the house I catch them then go out side calling Chick, Chick, chick! They have learned that if I have a paper napkin in my hand it will have stinkbugs for them. They can be 100’ out in the yard scratching, but once they see me with stinkbugs they come running at me to eat the bugs. They will not do that for bread or other treats.

If your wondering, no the stinkbugs do not affect the taste of the eggs.

I just recently found out that Black Oil Sunflower Seeds are a tasty treat for them as well. They gobble the whole seed down shell included.
Mine love 7 grain cereal and kefir and little shreds of meat. I offered sunflower seeds and they gave me that look of "you expect us to eat THAT?"
Oatmeal, grapes, watermelon. It's touch football time when they see a hunk of watermelon in my hand. I have to do alot of dodging just to get to the basket to put it in.
Meal worms and crickets. Guess they have alot of favorites.

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