What is your favorite candle scent?

For fall and Christmas I like the Yankee McIntosh Apple and Mistletoe. But I can't have the cookie, vanilla or anything related to baking....the smell makes me want to eat something.

I usually prefer the floral, ocean and linen scents and anything outdoorsy.
It pays to buy the good candles, the cheap ones burn badly or fizzle out, so just not worth it.
From Yankee Candle I love Harvest, which is a spicy, sweet amazing scent (think pumpkin pie, spice cake, vanilla sugar cookies all in your oven at once), and Jack Frost, a vanilla, peppermint combo. Lately though I've been reading more and more about the dangers of some of these artificial candle scents that are being used and so I'm enjoying the subtle sweet scent of all natural beeswax candles mostly!
I love a good scented candle! Most are really exspensive but I have found out the glade holiday candles cost around $2.00 and they smell real nice. I have already gone through their glistening snow and I am now on the gingerbread candle. Believe it or not I am a big fan of pine scented candles. I love the smell of a good pine scent for the holidays.
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Anything Vanilla-y

Brand isnt' that important, but if I had to pick, I'd pick Yankee, followed by (don't flame me) Walmart's Mainstays brand. The WM ones are very highly scented and so much more affordable than Yankee.
i like when i get to close to sniff and it singes my nose hairs.

so i'm going with singed nose hair smell with a hint of melon.

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