What is your favorite chicken breed?

My favorite utility chicken is the black sex link. Affordable, healthy, dependable egg laying and dual purpose when culling out the roos.

Barred Rocks would be my favorite if we're talking breed specific. Nice to look at, great egg laying dual purpose and variety of colors to have a wonderful rainbow of chickens in the flock; barred, white, partridge, silver pencil buff and even blue. Eventually my goal is to have one of each color. I maybe turning into the crazy chicken lady:wee
Everyone has a favorite or two. I am new to raising and trying several. For many reasons. We want eggs. We want meat. We want some just to enjoy watching (pretty, unique, personality) and even befriending. Please tell me what your favorite breeds are and why. I will post the same question in the duck forum as well.
My favorite utility chicken is the black sex link. Affordable, healthy, dependable egg laying and dual purpose when culling out the roos.

Barred Rocks would be my favorite if we're talking breed specific. Nice to look at, great egg laying dual purpose and variety of colors to have a wonderful rainbow of chickens in the flock; barred, white, partridge, silver pencil buff and even blue. Eventually my goal is to have one of each color. I maybe turning into the crazy chicken lady:wee
Love our barred rock rooster we call him our second dog he hangs out on the porch for hours with us every morning it’s his routine
I adore our little black Ameraucana bantams. They are funny and sweet. They follow me around their run trilling at me. They lay adorable little blue eggs too.

Of the big girls I like our Easter Eggers. Their are so funny and unique. My girl is a little rebel and does what she wants when she wants to do it. Which can be anything from trying to escape the run to flying up and landing on my shoulder.
Everyone has a favorite or two. I am new to raising and trying several. For many reasons. We want eggs. We want meat. We want some just to enjoy watching (pretty, unique, personality) and even befriending. Please tell me what your favorite breeds are and why. I will post the same question in the duck forum as well.
Australorps and Orpingtons all the way!!

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