What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

Used to be my Buff Orpington Rooster, "Roy", who would jump to the door when I opened it, follow me everywhere, etc. Unfortunately we let our three roosters(They were all supposed to be hens...) get too old, and one day I just saw a bunch of golden feathers lumped up in the corner of the coop. So now it's Bunny, who has similar behaviors and follows me, but I'm pretty sure that's because everyone knows I bring the food and water!
Friendliest chicken was a commercial X breed meat chicken which we kept as a pet. It was in the run with a mixed flock of layers and was always the odd one out but enjoyed human contact, sitting on your lap and being held.

Other affectionate breeds have been Light and Buff Sussex and the good old Australorp.
My friendliest breed is my Amber Whites (Rhode Island Red/Rhode Island White cross) ( I have 4 and 1 is more friendly than the other 3 as well) They are the only ones of my chickens that will come up to me when I visit the coop and wait by my feet until I pet them or pick them up. I can't hardly get near the others lol (2 brown Leghorns, 2 White Leghorns, 3 Americaunas (EE), 3 Black Australorps (roos :( ), 2 Barred Plymouth Rocks (1 roo, 1 hen), 6 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Silver-Laced Wyandottes, & 3 Blue-Laced Red Wyandottes) The RI Reds and the EE seem to be pretty friendly too. ( they as well as the BPR's are 6 weeks younger than my others) I seem to be having an aggression problem and am thinking its due to too many roos trying to mate with the hens--- haven't seen exactly what is causing the chunks of flesh and feathers to be torn from the back of the leghorns' heads so am going to have to spend a ton of time observing today.
My friendliest is a red star. She has been a sweetheart since day one. My next one is a barred rock, she was injured when I got her, and we bonded during the recovery period, now she is spoiled rotten.
I have 9 pullets (3 Buff Orpingtons, 3 Silver Lace Wing Wyandottes and 3 EE) and 6 are now laying. My friendliest is Sweetie, one of my three Buff Orpingtons. In fact, all three Orpingtons are the friendliest in the flock, followed by the EE and then the Wyandottes. All 9 are really a pretty friendly flock.
my friendliest is DEFINATELY my buff orpington, hands down. her name is Dandelion. When i come out she comes running first (along with and australorp and a gold star or two) but she always stays to see what i have, and to get cuddled. If i sit down in the grass, she'll settle between my legs and sun bathe or just sit there making content chirping noises. I have several that will preen me to.
My friendliest is a bantam partridge cochin hen named Little. She's bottom of the pecking order, but always comes running whenever she sees me or my husband, expecting a treat. She will eat from your hand and let you pick her up for a cuddle, though her aim isn't the greatest and she sometimes gets your finger instead of the treat. She will also jump for treats held above her head. Next is my best layer, a marans cross, then my australorp. The ameraucana, leghorn and polish are all a bit skittish, but they are mellowing out, and my RIR is pretty standoffish but not skittish. Friendliness is relative, my girls will always come running when they see you, but they don't like being handled at all, though they tolerate it.

If you want friendly birds who will come right up and hop in your lap for a snuggle, get turkeys and socialize them early and often! Mine were awesome!

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