What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

Our most friendly chicken is Henny Penny one of our Rhode Island Reds. She is the largest of the group and comes running up to us for treats whenever we go outside. Someday we will have to get a video of her running, its quite entertaining. The Rhode Island Reds and the Gold Sexlinks are the most friendly. The California Whites are a little stand offish but will come when the Rhode Island Reds show up to see if they are missing out on anything. The Easter Eggers are the most shy. They are about a month younger than the rest and are at the bottom of the pecking order.
My friendliest is chicken joe. He's a mille fluer Belguain d'ccle. He always has an up and happy attitude. He's really cute!!!!
My nicest chicken is Rosie the Easter Egger.

My mom's favorite (and she claims the nicest) is Kathleen the Columbian Wyandotte

Mine has to be cassanova my cochin rooster he is the pic next to my name he super sweet and talks to me all the time I love my cochins almost all of them have been really sweet next would be my seramas I hatched them and they was handled a lot and now the fly to me all the time
All of our chickens, rhode island red pull, Peep, rhode island red pull, (aka Peepster, Peepsicle), Sunny, buff orpington pull, (aka Sunshine, Sun, Girlie Girl, and Sunny girl) (has ingured leg, but seems to bee getting better, but go to thread HELP!!!! PULLET LIMPING ON RIGHT LEG!!!!! if you think you know what's wrong or have any advice.), barred rock pull and cock, Lady Lacey (aka Lacey, Lady, Lacey Lu, Laceymunda, Laceygirl, Girly Girl, and Lace) & Speckles (aka Speck,Speckaspeck, Stinker, Speckoo, Speckie, Speckaboy & Speckadoodledoo), are very freindly, except Peep. I don't know what is wrong with her, but she just doesn't seem to like people as much as much as the rest of 'em.
All our peeps are friendly but the friendliest is Mrs. Alarm Chicken, a Buff Orpington. She adores my husband. :)

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