What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

Our Golden Comets and Buffs have been friendly. Every time we open the gate, they come running and are up under our feet. They also like jumping on our backs and shoulders to roistering as we are filling up water and feed trays. Never aggressive, always curious. :yiipchick
because they are light Waite don't worry i did not know that on till i read a chicken book
just joking i don't even drink coffee
chickens are like any other animal , when you give them treats, & say their names many times over , & when you feed them & pet them or hold them , they learn their names pretty quickly, if you do that, and give them more treats when they come to you , i always say their names when they are around me , so its all in talking to your animals really , i even kept milk goats with out any fences we had no fences for any of our animals this was back years ago, we built a new home on a mountain, with no fences around any of our land at all & we lived at the edge of a 2000 acre new England Forrest at the top of a big water water fall, we also raised English mastiff dogs & Pugs they were all out in the yard with all the other animals...lol...baby goats & all , it was like a zoo i suppose, and none of my animals ever ventured out the drive way ,not even our giant black pet bunny we saved him from some meat guy at the livestock action ....lol...
i had to out bid him
....lol... because my daughter wanted that giant bunny....lol.. he stayed up stairs in her bed room at night & went out every day when my daughter would leave for school & he never left our yard which was near a small dirt road that led to our place , he would come in each night when my girl got home from school and would go up the stairs with her to go to bed....lol...lol. but none of my animals ever left my yard, including my geese i had in a pen when i first got them, but after that they were all out in the yard with my chickens goats, dogs , cats , bunny & what ever else we had, i had a large very smart rooster an Araucana , he was given to me, and he would come running with all his girls 12 sexlinks when i called him, he was very smart & brave, he was the best rooster ever...! but really the key ,is I always spent a lot of time with all my animals every day teaching them not to go were they didn't belong , it was kinda of amazing really, how they all listened....lol... but i do have to say, I was like 27 back then raising 5 kids and would looked out the windows to make sure that if i saw any one of my animals heading for the end of our drive way I would run out & call them back , until i didn't have to do that any longer ....lol... but this year when we got chicks , i spent a lot of time with them all in my kitchen, we first got 4 new Hampshire reds at 3 weeks old & a week later i found 4 barred rocks at 2 weeks old & a few days later i finally found 7 silver laced wyandotts & they were a few days old , i kept each group separated, so the older chicks would not beat up the younger ones , i then named each group by a group name, the NHR were the Chickies & they have a chickie boy, I call his name all the time to see how fast he will run to me ....lol.. and the BR are the Henryettas & the Wyandotts are the bee bees, short for babies....lol..so when i call each name the entire group will all come by their group names, i felt that would be better for calling them all over to me as quickly as i could for safety reasons , so that works just fine , & when i want the BR to come i just call Henryettas, and they all appear at my feet.....lol...wile the other groups are still doing what ever they were doing, unless i call them all by their group names to....lol...so that was one of the best ideas for me .....lol.. it works great ...!!! I feel that if some danger like a hawk,or other animal was going after my chickens , I would be so up set, that I might forget all the individual names & that could also take up to much time to call each chicken individually..? and the time that all could take to call each one , might end in a tragedy....? so the group names works great for me & my girls.......lol...so take care and keep talking to you girls..!!! you will do fine...!!
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Mine are my ameraucana roo Wiley, and my cuckoo maran Dottie. Wiley is my little shadow who thinks he needs fed a thousand times a day, he follows me everywhere on the farm and if I go in the house and he didn't get a little extra food he will peck on the front door and crow at me. Lol!! And Dottie is just so sweet and cuddly, she's my husbands little baby. :)
My lemon cuckoo orpington is the friendliest of my small flock. My all time best though was
a Speckled Sussex, RIP.
My Rhode Island Red hen Chickness is my friendliest. She lets me pick her up, pet her and she will talk to me non-stop when I am out feeding and watering all the birds.
Out of my 20 ISA browns the one that is friendliest us one I named Falcon. I named her that because when she was little she would jump onto my arm when I was bent down and she would just stay there. She is really gentle when she pecks food out of my hand and is super friendly. She likes to sit on my lap or arm, she mostly just likes to be as close to me as possible! :)
My sweetest chicken is my white-face black spanish, Comet. When I got her and my leghorn, Foggy, they were so skittish I couldn't come within ten feet of them. That's around the time that I started my handfeeding with the chickens, and little Comet caught right on! Now she follows me around a few steps behind me. She's very meek, but so sweet. I used to have to feed her separately from the other girls because she was so undersize. And when the yellow plums were ripe in the orchard, Comet and I would sit side-by-side and share it, bite for bite. I love her so much.

My other extremely friendly chickens are my speckled sussex girls, Guinevere (Gwen) and Harlot. They are friendly almost to a fault. Extremely noisy, they rush up to me whenever they see me and scuttle around my feet, demanding food. They're not above giving a couple of pecks when I ignore them, either!

Of course, all the rest of the chickens are wonderful and sociable too.
Of the 48 chickens I have, there is only one that hops up on me and lets me pick her up pretty consistently. It's one of my two Barred Rocks. She is the only one that is named (Pretty Bird) because of that. I wonder if she did that on purpose to make it harder for her to be the next one processed when that time comes.

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