What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

Turkeys are funny because they would talk to their food inbetween spitting out their snood. "I love you food."
and if a duck was a person he would refer to food as "grub."
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Our best breed are our gold laced Wyandottes. Love them! They are amiable, and neither chicken, nor human aggressive. Our roo is GLW, and is so gentle with the hens. They don't try to escape my yard either, which is a plus.
all my S L  Wyandotts, are the best  ever,:weee :celebrate all such sweet amazing  birds not an evil bone in theIr  bodies,   always sooo sweet , even  when all our other  chickens  barred rocks &  new Hampshire reds  always go out of their  way  to go after the wynddotts  to beat them up..?  for  no apparent  reason...? just  because  they can it seems , and I  was so glad  to see our  biggest  wynadott  stand up  for her self  against  the bullies  yesterday :yiipchick .....lol...  all our other chickens go out of their  way to  hunt  the  wyandotts & to peck at them , and the wyandotts have never  acted  in that  way   against   any the other  chickens , but  now the tide has turned.....lol....and I hope the wyandotts  will learn  how to stand their  ground,& to defend them selves, since I have to lock, up  2  barred rocks  & one new Hampshire red  because they are soooo mean...?  until  i can be out side to  help defend the wyandotts,  and it seems to be working as when  I  see the other chickens start  going  after  the wyandotts  to  atack  them , I  yell  and  show  them a stick  &  tell  them  you  better  stop...!  & they  turn and go away,  but if I  had  known any of this  before hand,  i would  never have any other  breed of chicken other then  wyandotts, & here is another plus for theSLW , the fancy  western  hat  maker in our town  wants to buy  the SLW  pretty  feathers....!so  thats  a  great  plus  for all  our  sweet  wyandott  babies ...!!....lol....  :thumbsup                   :frow  
I have had a similar experience with my GLWs!! Our barred rocks, and gold sexlinks are horrible to them. I'll never own sexlinks or barred rocks again.
Out of 7 girls, one of the 2 blr wyandottes is my friendliest as far as she has to jump on my shoulder every day. But my lowest ranking girl, an EE, follows me everywhere and talks, in a screaming voice, constantly.
The 2 cuckoo Marans are my most standoffish.

Turkeys are funny because they would talk to their food inbetween spitting out their snood. "I love you food."
and if a duck was a person he would refer to food as "grub."
I kinda want a turkey, not exactly sure why cause I don't think I could eat it. Especially after I name it. Maybe after we move and have more land so I don't have to interact with it all the time.
Sounds like they are the connoisseurs at the feed bowl.

Our best breed are our gold laced Wyandottes. Love them! They are amiable, and neither chicken, nor human aggressive. Our roo is GLW, and is so gentle with the hens. They don't try to escape my yard either, which is a plus.
He sounds lovely! I had ordered a GLW one time, she was too weak and didn't make it. She was a lovely chick though. I just seem to have rotten luck with laced birds though. More than half of the ones we have ordered have been sexed wrong.

Out of 7 girls, one of the 2 blr wyandottes is my friendliest as far as she has to jump on my shoulder every day. But my lowest ranking girl, an EE, follows me everywhere and talks, in a screaming voice, constantly.
The 2 cuckoo Marans are my most standoffish.

Great pics! Another case of the laced bird being sexed wrong for us... ours turned out to be male. But I so want another BLRW, they are sooooo pretty! Love the pic of the faverolle. I absolutely adore their cheek feathers. Daisy, our girl, follows me around when I go near the coop. She can't stand it when I clean it out so she stands just outside the door and screams her head off the entire time!
My friendliest is my red sex link. She fallows me around and hops up on my knee when ever I set down.

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