What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

I have three lap chickens, two of which are very jealous if one of the others is in my lap. The black star is the most friendly and the most jealous. If one of the other chickens are in my lap she jumps on my shoulder until the other one moves and she can get the lap to herself! The barred rock is a rooster but he also loves a nice petting and lap time. He will scratch at my feet until I sit down so he can get on my lap. He loves to have his neck rubbed and rests his head on my arm like a pillow. The red star enjoys lap time but she won't jump up on her own anymore because the black star and the barred rock make her nervous (they are very jealous). My easter egger doesn't like to be petted or held, but she always wants to be close by. I think the key is spending time with them and always being gentle.
Update, a week ago my Easter Egger decided she doesn't mind being petted and wants her own lap time. My skittish little girl has now become my most affectionate? The barred rock rooster doesn't like to be on my lap or held anymore, but he does still enjoy being petted. It is wierd that he wants to squak when I first start petting him but when I stop he goes under my hand like he wants me to keep going? Wierd but cool! I hope he stays this conflicted because it is redonkulously cute. The red star and the black star also jump on my lap whenever I sit down and compete do be the first in line....apparently pecking order is still being estalished.
our silver laced Wyandottes are Sweet , docile & amazingly friendly & are big talkers & walk with me when i go out side , they come to our kitchen door every day & call to me to come & let them in ...lol...
they lay more eggs every day including all winter long more then our bard-rocks or our new Hampshire reds, who are a bit more skidish when scared, & not overly friendly , the wyandottes are not like that at all, they dont scare easy,as far as eggs goes, i have a divided coop so i know who is laying how many eggs, the wyandottes are on one side & the other larger hens are on the other side, they all go out together every day all day long, but one word from me & the wyandottes come running to me as fast they can, they are sooo cute & lots of fun, we just love these chickens they are sooo pretty & the best layers , so over all they are the best happy little hens.!!! I call them my little bee bees and would buy them again , we are a no kill farm, so my sweet girls we hope will be with us for a very long time
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My Production Reds.

Ever since I got Banshee,I started understanding their language.Banshee will sit on the bench with me forage with me,and even talks me.
Her adventure had been crazy.She had been attacked by a fox that left huge gashes,and is also low in the.pecking order.She is calm,and affectionate.
I do think she thinks I am her chick,or she is simply communicating by peeping sweetly at me.As it sounds right because every time I'd walk into the front room,she peep at me until I came to het crate and went"Hi chick chick!".I had to talk to her.

She also will walk around evertime I head out to the coop,she makes turkey sounds at me.
gosh, what a beautiful & loving mother hen , she is quite gorgeous, with those amazing markings, we love the beauty of this breed, are they good egg layers... ?? well you take care & have a great day Dianna Starr

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