What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

It would have to be our black Wyandotte bantams and Barred Plymouth Rock Bantams. They are always at your heels wanting to be loved on. There have been many. RIR, Speckled Sussex, New Hampshire, Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, Silver Laced Wyandottes, OEGB all have been favorites too.
We've only just had our 5 week old chicks a few days but our Barred Rock, Mica, is by far the friendliest and most curious. She always comes right over to see what's going on when we open up the brooder and she's so easy to pick up and hold. We also have 2 australorps, 1 RIR and an easter egger.
I have 1 French Black copper Marans that is the sweetest thing...she gets so excited when she hears me anywhere near her...pacing back and forth....coos and trill at my feet..at little weary of being picked up but once I do, she just melts in my lap ..she is also the freakishly softest fluffiest chicken I have ever had..like fluffy silk. Love her...love them all thoguh!
Our Plymouth Rock name Real, my daughter brings her in the house and I have to keep rasins on hand because she runs over and jumps on my lap and I better have her favorite treat!
My friendliest is a Faverolle hen named Frenchie, she is the underdog of the flock, so likes to hang around me and the cats. She is very sweet. The next most friendly is the Rooster, Mark Antony, an Ameruacana Blue.
So far my most friendly was my Buff Orpington Scarlet. Here she is jumping up into the hammock to bug me while I was reading. She'd always come sit with (on) me if I'm outside to see what was going on (and eat crumbs off my shirt). I have another buff who is very skittish though, we can't get anywhere near her. In my experience, it often varies more bird to bird, like personalities do, rather than by breed alone. I have two very different easter eggers too - one skittish, one semi-friendly. My red star is pretty outgoing too, but this mostly has to do with knowing I control the treats.

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