What is your Year around weather?

Season's of the Year in Phoenix

Autumn: October 1st to November 15th.
Winter: Nov 15th to Jan. 15th
Spring: Jan 15th to Mar. 15th
Summer: Mar. 15th to April 15th.

I love those seasons....

Oh and then the biggest season of all....

HOTTER THAN HELL: April 15th through Septmeber 30th.
I used to live in pheonix when i was little, my sister was born there. My parents said they loved it becasue of no Skeeters
Victoria BC

Spring:, comes early, 50-60 degrees flowers start blooming in Feb, rain on and off, you can plant a veggie garden in March/April

Summer:, from middle of May to middle of Sept, highs in June/July around the ninties, lows around 70's, August very hot, no rain

Fall: sunny, cooler, some rain, doesn't get really ugly until about Nov

Winter: Nov to Feb, rain, some wind, lucky if we get snow, temps 40'F to minus 5
Yet, so true!

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