What is...


10 Years
Jun 15, 2009
I am confused. Some one said they have for me, deleware pullets and white plymouth, then she called them, white rocks and deleware. So which are they? On the breed list hewre, it shows plymouth rock it is white and white but lady calls it white rock, which means white to me. Please unravel my confusion.
whit rocks is just another name for it. and pullets just means it is a hen and the breed is Delaware. they are the same things.
The official breed name is Plymoth Rocks, hence the confusion. Generally they are referred to simply as Rocks. The breed comes in many different colors, including white.

And Delawares are a completely different breed.

Hope that helps!
thanks, deleware being a differentr breed what does that mean, and do they give brown eggs, the delkeware and the plymouth white rocks

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