What kind of Ameraucana do I have?

This bird still has yellow skin and green shanks, which according to the standard is not an Ameraucana. True Ameraucanas need to have pink skin and slate/blue legs. There are places that sell splash Easter eggers. What they’re bred from, I don’t know, but the splash coloring itself doesn’t make her a true Ameraucana.

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This is my Ameraucana. She’s has splash coloring and has the blue legs and pink skin which make her a true Ameraucana (along with her other characteristics).
Yeah, splash color doesn't make that chicken being an ameraucana. All my Ameraucanas have slate color legs and pink skin. Green legs and yellow skin mean that she is an EE. EEs are usually better layers than true Ameraucanas and are very fun to have, but it's wrong for the hatcheries to sell them as Ameraucanas.
I absolutely didn’t mean to start an argument! I was just curious about my girls since I couldn’t match that first one. We love our girls regardless. I can only have so many hens in city limits so I am really hoping that A) they are girls and B) that they lay blue eggs since they are my only two colored egg layers. But I guess it doesn’t *really* matter in the end. But thanks for all of the wonderful info. I guess we’ll have to wait and see what the future brings as far as eggs. Here’s an updated pic of Sunshine for good measure. You can see her legs better.


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Being they are $6 for their blue ameraucanas my guess is there poor quality or easter eggers that they kept the blue ones and are breeding those together. Meyer hatchery,cackle and my pet chickens sell true ameraucanas. If your paying anything less then $10 each they are easter eggers
Also, if this isn't a bantam in your pic here, then by APA standards she isn't an ameraucana. If she is, then she is good to go 👍
Even though large fowl splash Ameraucanas aren’t APA recognized by their feather plumage, they are still a true Ameraucana in every other way. Other varieties that aren’t APA recognized but still true are Isabel, mottled, and other project varieties. They match the APA standard in every way besides plumage, which they are also working on accepting splash anyways because they come from the already accepted blue/black Ameraucanas.

That statement is contradicting your previous reply to me that said that Easter egger was a true Ameraucana due to the splash coloring.
I would call them Easter eggers, heck even their website under Q&A even state their chicks are classed as "Americanas"
They say they have had their line since the 70's before they were accepted into the APA, so I'm going to assume their original birds were EE hence the yellow skin and lack of beard in so many birds. If that's the case them them only selecting towards blue eggs all this time isn't going to make them magically become Ameraucana, it will just produce more EE
Even though large fowl splash Ameraucanas aren’t APA recognized by their feather plumage, they are still a true Ameraucana in every other way
This is exactly the point I am attempting to make with OPs birds. By the same standards that Tilly is putting up, your bird would be considered an EE. But I certainly believe it is a purebred Ameraucana (Tilly doesn't 😉)
The APA doesn't mention anything here. This is a lady writing an article.

And @TillyPeeps linked the other article I was going to link so you can check that one too.
Yep, none of the birds in question are lavender here 😉 you will have to search for a VERY long time, like eternity, before you find slate/blue legs put out as standard on an official doc by APA - because it doesn't exist.

Save some time and call Mcmurray. They will further assist you.

I absolutely didn’t mean to start an argument!
Oh no. Not an argument at all. If you looks around in the forums a bit, you'll get ameraucana folks dead set on labeling everything an Easter Egger.
With your birds, you may not be able to show them, but they are what they say they are 😉 this includes having incredible temperaments, are hardy winter layers, and lay a beautiful blue egg. I have about a dozen McMurray genetic Ameraucana birds here and I love them, they are some of my favorite.

Enjoy them!

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