What kind of banties are these?


10 Years
Nov 8, 2009
Hey all you BYC'rs out there with too much time on your hands..I rescued some banties the other day and have no idea what kind they are. I think a few are cochins, a few are EE's and a couple are just very small chickens. If you know what they are, give a shout!
little buff hen, very small

my favorite hen, millie for millie fluer

Someone said she is a brahma but she has clean legs..so.

little red roo. Looks the most like a cochin

a fluffy grey hen with feathery feets, she has a sister that looks like her

an EE hen? there are two like her

Then there is a brahma roo I think is a cochin, and a sebright roo that is a really cute little guy who is very tame and handleable. I can pick him up anytime

Thanks for all your input, I appriciate it!
I think you have a nice mix of mixed. The second one does appear to be a MFD. The red roo does look like he may be at least part red cochin, but I really think you have some barnyard crosses. They are all lovely ladies and gents just the same. I do have a thing for splashes and blues, so I especially think the two splash ladies are quite pretty. They appear to be healthy too, which is most important, right?
From the top:
Buff cochin - Might be a light red
Mille Fleur d'Uccle
No Idea, but I love her coloring
red Cochin
Splash Cochin
Splash something. Looks like she may have a beard. Splash Ameraucana maybe

Not sure but the last one maybe a D'Anver. I think they are bearded bantams with clean legs.

Other than that I agree with Matt.
What some absolutely beautiful bannies. I used to have some, but between predators and bad luck, I have either lost or given all mine away. I just get too attached, and they are just too vulnerable.
:hit:hit Sob.
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