What kind of caged birds do you have? Post a pic to share!

The finches in the first photos are Zebra finches, not Java Rice. There are different types of Zebra finches and MANY different colors.

Thank you for confirming that the little white birds are Zebra finches. I was starting to lean rather hard that direction after reading more about the different types of finches. I am rather new to keeping finches. I have had a rule for many years, that I will not have caged animals. The finches are the one exception to that rule. It still worries me that I could somehow forget them.

PS I have had them id'ed correctly for sometime in my signature line. lol I just was totally sure. Thank you
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I just got my very first parrot a few weeks ago. A lady needed to rehome her 6yr old Congo African Grey Parrot, so Trixie now lives with us! She seems to be adjusting well, and she talks throughout the day (along with dog barking & electronic noises!). Some things she says:
Hello (she says this several different ways and also when I pick up a ringing phone)

Wolf Whistle
Wild bird calls (her favorite is a Carolina Wren & Bob White Quail)
Where are the kids? School?
Good girl!
Hi there, Trixie girl!
Wanna Apple?
Barley (former owner's dog)
Various barking dogs (she just started barking like my dog, Annie)
Good morning
What in the world?!
What are you doing?



I'm in love!
I had to comment on the African Grey. I do not have a bird yet (I have chickens, but I want a Blue Crown conure). Anyway, my MIL has an African Grey named Little Foot. He/she has a missing toe on each foot (from birth) but seems to do fine without them. Little Foot is hilarious. He says all kinds of things. His favorite thing to say is "Cheese please!" He knows he can't have that all the time but he will try to get the grandkids (two of them are my daughters) to get him some cheese if my MIL isn't paying attention. He will whisper "cheese please!" in hopes Doris will not hear him. It is so funny! Gotta love African Greys. Oh and she is constantly making cell phone/phone sounds and the sound the door makes when its opening. She does it when she is bored and inevidibly gets our attention.
I think its great you took Tirxie in. Congrats!
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we have a cockatiel, fritz
2 starlings- rescues, who don't know they are birds and are multilingual- they are relatives of the mynah and have picked up star wars sounds

Clare, a sparrow that was found paralyzed, she recovered and is my mascot in my studio

a one wing blue jay

4 finches
I will post as soon as I gather up all my pictures, but we have quite a few caged birds as well as our hens, ducks and rooster.

Tang=yellow male canary
Jorge=small green and yellow parakeet (with an unusually small head, so we call him Pin-Head)
Kiwi=large green and yellow english budgie
Peter=zebra finch who had a mate named Lois. She passed away and he's been neighbors with Tang ever since. They get along very well, but are in separate cages

Sweet Cheeks=a very ancient, very ill-tempered cockatiel
Snookie=Quaker parrot that a friend of ours found hanging out in a bad part of Nashua, NH. She coaxed her down and Snookie came to live with us. She talks with a strong New England accent and has a smoker's voice, if that tells you anything about her previous owner
Sal=indian ringneck female, pale blue
Sapphire="sunday" conure, very friendly and can talk--she says "no no!" "ouch!" and makes this funny clacking sound when she wants to give kisses.
Peaches and Cream=a pair of lovebirds
Rosebud=goffins cockatoo

I had a second Quaker named Emerald, or Emmie, who passed away this spring unexpectedly from unknown causes. Broke my heart. He was my special bird and he talked quite a bit. He's got a rosebush planted in his honor now.

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