What kind of chick is this?


11 Years
Mar 12, 2008
Blue Ridge Mountains, NC
I thought this was a silver laced wyandotte, but it doesnt look like some other pics i've seen of others. Its legs are grey.
Hi again! Your little one looks just like my Easter Eggers. My girls legs started off sort of grayish and got greener by the day....

Good Luck with your "kids"

Michele in MN
Hi amaliayosa,
Here is a picture of my golden laced wyandotte.The silver laced will look similar to the golden when little.
You still have a cute little EE
Best Wishes,
Last edited:
That looks like my Ameraucana here is her pic at 4 days old..that chick is a bit older. The wing pattern looks the same...


This is my Silver Laced, they are clearly black, silver and white:


Cute chick though.

I know exactly that the chick is and it is NOT an ee. The scientific name for this species is Cutimous. Also know as Cute for short
it looks exactly like my bantie that I got from TSC a few weeks ago! mine has yellow legs though, so mine isn't an ee. my son named it Chipmunk because of the "chipmunk stripe" and my daughter named it Strawberry-- so her name is Strawberry Chipmunk. I haven't the slightest idea what breed mine is. the other bantie, Snowie, is all white.

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