What kind of chicken is my favorite Mohawk chick ?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 28, 2014
Stroud OK
I am new to chickens so this site has helped me a lot. Can someone tell me what kind of chicken loud mouth is. This chicken is the loudest of the bunch and has the best Mohawk
Do you know where it came from? It looks more like an Appenzeller Spitzhauben which some hatcheries like Cackle carry than a Polish, or maybe a cross?
couldn't the farm store have gotten them as a large mixed order?who knows what hatchery it came from? you can call the strore and ask them maybe where they got them if you can give them an estimated date ? If it came from a hatchery that doesn't have the Appenzeller Spitzhauben then you'll know right away it's not them for sure and you can continue to narrow down.You can also maybe find the hatchery website once you have a possible idea where they were ordered from and maybe match photos to their breeds? I know we get ours cheaper at the farm store because they just throw in several hundred chicks of mixed breeds male and female and it saves them money.

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